Monday, May 6, 2013

We Expect so Much from FC Barcelona

So much has been thrown at Barca lately for their defeat and humiliating exit from the Champions League. The reason for that is that we expect Barcelona to win most of the time and we have gotten used to seeing them celebrating and lifting trophies for the last five years. Yes, it has been a painful blow for Barca, but this is the kind of punch needed to make the team even better next season. Sometimes it is necessary to shut down and reset. Nevertheless, what this generation of great players have accomplished in the last five years rarely is achieved by other teams. FC Barcelona has establish their game and they will work on their mistakes which will make the team even stronger than this season. Seeing them winning yearn after year, we have become the kind of fans that ask more of them, but in order for the wheels to keep rolling perfectly we have to do some maintenance. FC Barcelona needs maintenance, they need an adjustment, they are like an Audi with a turbo engine but they still need new parts once they go beyond five years on the road.

As much as it is difficult to go to the top like Barca has done, it is even more difficult to stay at the top. So many writers quickly seem to forget that FC Barcelona has stretched their dominance throughout Europe for the last five years. We have yet to see a phenomenon like that by another team. Barca accomplishments have helped the Spanish national team La Roja to establish greatness in football history as well. Despite their terrible exit from the Champions League, they're still on their way to claim La Liga title, another nice piece of silverware that most teams would love to have in their trophy cases. FC Barcelona will be back for more next season they will have to make some more adjustments, they'll still be a hard team to beat.

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