Friday, April 17, 2015

Soccer is Easy... Of Course It Is!

The simplicity of the beautiful game and the skills of players may confuse people into thinking that soccer is easy. Certainly, one may agree that it is easy but only for those who have been training and playing since the age of five or so on.

Let’s face it; there are still masses of people that do not understand what goes on in a soccer pitch. All they see is men or woman kicking a soccer ball back and forth without realizing the built in strategy or the momentum being created by the opponent team.

Soccer is easy! Just kick that ball around. Right… When a team is kicking the ball in midfield it means that is challenging the opponent team to get the ball from them. That way some space will be created automatically so that the team holding the ball can quickly create an attack.

Of course it is easy to kick a ball! That is if you’re just going to kick it without power and direction. Those who understand the beautiful game know that kicking with accuracy, power and curling that ball is not easy at all. In fact those players who have that long range shot ability are quickly distinguished by soccer broadcasters for that unique skill.

It looks easy because they make it look easy but certainly it would be a difficult task for most. It is not simple to send that ball so that you’re teammate chest it down and quickly controls it with his or her feet. It is not easy to make that pass and filtrate it among opponents with quick legs. And definitely it is not easy to try to make that bicycle kick when your teammate sends you that ball across.

Passing the ball make seem simple but is not at all. Fist, you need to pick up your head to find your teammate in an open space while being challenge by an opponent player. That ball needs to be passed with enough force so that is not intercepted and so that your teammate can control it with ease and doesn’t bounce off.

But again soccer is easy but only if you’ve been practicing the beautiful game since you were a kid…

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